Collection HAL du thème BASE du laboratoire LOCIE

BASE - BAti durable Structure et Enveloppe

Les actions développées dans ce thème concernent les éléments d’enveloppe et de structure du bâtiment.  Le thème s’attache à la compréhension des réponses thermiques, mécaniques, hydriques d’éléments d’enveloppe et de structure d’un bâtiment neuf ou existant comportant en particulier des matériaux non-conventionnels et multifonctionnels.

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Collaborations internationales





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Embedded sensors structural health monitoring SHM optical fibre sensors crack detection sensing technologies Hygrothermomecanical behaviour Finite-size scaling Grain size Hybrid optimization method Chebyshev polynomials Diagnostic DuFort-Frankel scheme Compressive strength Caractérisation thermique Du Fort-Frankel scheme Correlation Expérimentation Analyse de sensibilité dérivée Carbon nanotubes Cast3m Identification Hygrothermal properties Convective moisture transfer Characterization Béton armé Comfort Masonry Fibre optique IMPACT Maçonnerie FEM simulations Contrainte Carbon nanotubes Physical properties Smart cement Sensor Corrélation Comportement hygrothermomécanique Heat and mass transfer Galerkin method Hydro-Mechanical coupling Embedded sensors Adaptive numerical methods Experimental Capillary rise Advection-diffusion equation with gravity flux INDOOR TEMPERATURE HUMIDITE RELATIVE Microstructural characterization CONFORT D'ETE Derivative based sensitivity analysis Discontinuité Heat Transfer Dynamic elastic modulus Characteristic compressive strength Hygrothermal transfers Confort Confined Heat and moisture transfer simulation Couplage hydromécanique Diagnostis Chainée Echelle de la pièce Heat and moisture transfer Cation exchange capacity Chargeability Couplage hydro-Mécanique Heterogeneous materials Nomenclature k Conductivité thermique Size effect Caractérisation Heat transfer Bang-Bang model HAMT EnergyPlus Critical zone Pisé Clay-based materials Building physics Digital Image Correlation technique Biopolymers Circular economy Hydic state Porous material Bois HEAT AND MOISTURE TRANSFERS Eco-friendly binders Hysteresis Dufort-Frankel numerical scheme Building energy performances HUMIDITE Rammed earth Numerical simulation Comportement thermo-hygro-hydro-mécanique Crack detection Déchets Carbon nanotubes electrical properties smart cement sensor carbon nanotubes electrical properties smart cement sensor carbon nanotubes electrical properties smart cement sensor Induced polarization Hygric properties Harpage Comportement dans le plan Scharfetter-Gummel numerical scheme Finite Differences Bayesian estimation Parameter estimation problem Concrete Benchmarking with experimental data In-Plane behavior Ancrage passif